Spórtlann Lasmuigh Outdoor Gym

Tá obair faoi lánsheol anois ar ár Spórtlann Lasmuigh.  Tá súil againn go mbeidh na páistí amuigh ag spraoi is ag cleachtadh an tseachtain seo chugainn!

Work on our Outdoor Gym is well under way.  We hope that the chidlren will be out practicing on it from next week.  

Uaidh seo…. from this …..

go seo …. to this….

Cuirfimid suas pictiúr eile nuair a bheidh an obair críochnaithe.  Gabhaimid buíochas le gach éinne atá tar éis cuidiú lenár gcistiúchán thar na blianta.

We will post another picture when the work is complete.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our fundraising over the years.