Caitheann na páistí na héadaí bríste nó éadaí pilirín gach lá seachas ar laethanta coirp oideachais. Cuirfear an lá seo in iúl dod’ pháiste ag tús na bliana.
The children wear the trouser uniform or the pinafore uniform every day except on PE days. You will be notified of PE days at the beginning of each year.
Éadaí Bríste / Trouser Uniform:
Bríste liath / Grey Trousers
Bríste gearra liatha sa samhradh / Grey shorts in summer term
Léine bán / White Shirt
Geansaí v-mhuiníl dúghorm (le suaitheantas) / Navy V-neck Jumper (with crest)
Carbhat stríocach / Striped tie
Bróga praicticiúla / Practical shoes
Éadaí Pilirín / Pinafore Uniform:
Pilirín plaid / Plaid pinafore
Blús bán (bóna “revere”) / White blouse (revere collar)
Cairdeagan dúghorm (le suaitheantas) / Navy Cardigan (with crest)
Riteoga dúghorm (stocaí rúitíní bána) / Navy tights (white ankle socks)
Bróga praicticiúla / Practical shoes
Éadaí Sciorta (R5-6) / Kilt Uniform(R5-6):
Sciorta plaid / Plaid kilt
Léine bán / White shirt
Geansaí v-mhuiníl dúbhghorm (le suaitheantas) / Navy V-neck jumper (with crest)
Riteoga dúghorm (stocaí rúitíní bána) / Navy tights (white ankle socks)
Bróga praicticiúla / Practical shoes
Éadaí Reatha / School Tracksuit
Éadaí reatha dúghorm na scoile(le suaitheantas) / Navy tracksuit (with crest)
Bríste gearra dúghorm sa Samhradh / Navy shorts during summer term
Bróga reatha / Runners

I dtaobh cothromaíochta de, is féidir leis na daltaí ceachtar den dá rogha a chaitheamh ach ní ghlacfar le meascán éadaí.
In the interest of equality, pupils may wear either the pinafore uniform or the trouser uniform but a mixture of both is not acceptable.

Caitheann na Naíonáin Bheaga na héadaí reatha seachas na héadaí bríste nó éadaí pilirín.
Junior Infants wear the school tracksuit rather than the trouser uniform or pinafore uniform.

Tá na héadaí scoile ar fáil ins an Schoolwear House, in ollmhargadh Tesco sna Clocha Liatha.
The school uniform is available from The Schoolwear House in the Tesco shopping centre here in Greystones.

Tá cead ag daltaí fáinne cluaise (stud) amháin a chaitheamh i ngach cluas. Níl cead aon seodra eile, seachas uaireadóir, a chaitheamh sa scoil ar bhonn slándála. Is gá do gach páiste a bhufil gruaige fhada orthu í a cheangailt siar.
Pupils are permitted to wear a single stud earring in each ear. No other jewellery is permitted.